Class End: Future Questions

Q: How do you envision the future in your lifetime?

A: I envision the future in the next 50 years as a positive Orwellian nightmare. What I mean is that the western world is going to evolve to deal with large data and mass surveillance. We are going to learn how to keep our rights and privacy, which is a good thing but not without a fight. Unlike an Orwellian nightmare though, I doubt there is going to be a takeover of a totalitarian regime. China surely could take over the west but western people wouldn’t easily be convinced to follow a totalitarian government. If that happened, it would probably end in a massacre. Russia seems to influence the US but I don’t think it’s going to work in the long run. Surveillance is another beast entirely; it is too easily implemented nowadays but I believe that we will find a way to deal with it socially.

Q: How do you envision the future after your lifetime?

A: Funny enough I don’t envision the future beyond my lifetime, not because I don’t want to or can’t, but because the way I perceive the future, there won’t be a future after my lifetime. I don’t mean this selfishly, I mean this literally, that I won’t die even with the cooling of the observable universe. I don’t know how and I’m not afraid of death that I believe we will figure out immortality in my lifetime. This is my life’s goal, immortality through the advancement of biomedical science and engineering aided by the new speed of education. If education isn’t stunted by some political movement that is. I plan to use my skills in animation to create VR based educational programs to speed up and lower the cost of education. I don’t know if it’ll work to speed up computer and medical technology fast enough to save me, but damn am I not going to try.
